Rail Safety Solutions

The Rail Safety Solutions team provides Rail Safeworking protection for rail associated work sites around the Goldfields and Esperance Area. Call 1300 130 697

Rail Safety Solutions

Historical Works – Rail Safety Solutions

Arc Infrastructure Rail Safety Solutions

Arc Infrastructure 

Rail Safeworking leadership supplying Possession Protection Officer (PPO) for ongoing Esperance Branch Line (EBL) rerailing and resleepering project. Complex works involving multiple sites, track machines, ballast trains at the intersection of EGR and EBL rail lines.

Rail safeworking protection for Esperance Branch Line cutting widening project. Coordinating two 50t excavators widening the existing cuttings at Kalgoorlie and Kambalda.

Supporting Arc Infrastructure surveying activities for upcoming rail corrections.

John Holland

Provided Rail Safeworking lead (PPO) for EBL refurbishment works.

Provided rail safeworking protection for the Esperance EPAC rail corridor expansion project. Performed rail section closures and worked in a relieving capacity as Brookfield’s site representative.

Supervise and provide rail safeworking protection for the removal of redundant railway line between Fleming and Esperance.

Provide rail safeworking protection for rerailing activities on the EPSL breakwater.

Implement a rail section closure for the installation of a drainage culvert under the rail line at KP 304.200

Provide Rail safeworking protection for rail repairs at EPSL between #8 and #9 points and removal of damaged “rail frog” between #9 and #10 points.

Provide safeworking protection for x-raying of rail welds between (Aurizon) Esperance Rail Yard and EPSL breakwater.

Follow up EPAC works, provide rail safeworking protection for contractors completing drainage works immediately adjacent to rail.

Implement multiple rail section closures to allow the patching of the underside of the Twilight Beach Road Bridge over rail.

John Holland Rail Safety Solutions


Provide rail safeworking protection and supervision to enable major repairs to the Maritanna St bridge in Kalgoorlie. Complex project at the intersection of Eastern Goldfields Railway (EGR), Leonora Branch Line (LBL), and Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) rail networks.

Brookfield Rail

Responsible for rail safety and monitoring the performance of third party contractors installing fibre optic cabling adjacent to rail between West Kalgoorlie and Esperance.

Brookfield Rail Safety Solutions

Southern Ports Esperance

Rail safeworking protection and supervision of EPSL staff to remove the redundant Nickel Rail Line #9 through to #11 points.

Provide rail safeworking protection for scaffolding, sandblasting and painting of overhead conveyor trestles on CV11/26/40 immediately adjacent to rail.

Rail safeworking protection for the replacement of guttering on iron ore shed #2 immediately adjacent to rail.

Rail safeworking protection for the cladding of transfer tower #2 immediately adjacent to rail.

Ongoing support for rail maintenance and operations. The Port’s representative in any rail related dealings with third party providers. Conduct monthly rail infrastructure inspections and reporting. Provide rail safeworking supervision and protection for all rail related works within the Port rail corridor including planned and unplanned maintenance shutdowns, repairs and upgrades.


Supporting mechanical staff for iron ore wagon repairs in Higginsville, Salmon Gums, and Grass Patch.

Aurizon Rail Safety Solutions
Horizon Power Rail Safety Solutions

Horizon Power

Supervised multiple rail underbore projects.

Rail safeworking support for repair and replacement of existing infrastructure within the rail corridor.

About Shannon

Shannon Virgo has worked in heavy industry, rail, and mining for the past 30 years, the past 20 spent in the rail operations and safety field. Prior to the formation of Rail Safety Solutions, Shannon Virgo worked for the following companies;

Western Mining Corporation – Electrical Trades

Wesfarmers CSBP – Electrical Trades

Southern Ports Esperance – Electrical Trades, iron ore receivals and dispatch.

Aurizon Rail – Operational Supervisor & Train Services Manager. Attained all relevant rail accreditations, Cert IV frontline Management, Cert IV Training And Assessment, Lead ICAM Incident Investigator responsible for many incident/accident investigations, Accredited Drug And Alcohol Screener.